Subud Auckland

Latihan Hours
Mondays is MEN ONLY. 8.00 for 8.15pm
Thursdays Men and women 8.00 for 8.15pm
Sundays Men and women 10.00 for 10.15
19 Formby Avenue Pt. Chevalier Auckland, NZ
About Subud Auckland
The spacious Auckland Subud house is a converted Baptist Church purchased in 1993. It has two large latihan halls, two medium-sized rooms and a kitchen/coffee bar area. The group also rent the property to other organisations and for music classes. With 1.3 million inhabitants, Auckland in New Zealand's largest city by far, though it is not the capital. It enjoys a semi-tropical climate and sits sprawled over a series of natural harbours and countless waterways. An unusual feature is the 14 or so extinct volcanoes that can be seen throughout the city; their crowns of green grass left for the most part unconstructed. Bus No. 045 will take you from the main railway station, along Queens St. to Pt. Chevalier, the closest stop to the house. Buses 042 and 043 will take you to the junction of Great North Road and Pt. Chevalier.